Who are we?
A pioneer in rating educational programs. Our mission is to empower students and parents to make decisions with confidence.
What we do?
We use big data and algorithms to predict the financial attractiveness of pursuing an educational program at a particular institute. K-Score is our innovative analytical tool used to rate educational programs.
Why we started this journey?
We saw a problem:
Student debt has turned into a major crisis. Almost every other student is impacted by it. In many cases, this crisis is impacting not only the students’ financial health but impacting their mental health as well. Stress and depression have become common problems amongst high-debt student loan borrowers.
We developed a solution:
After studying the issue, we were surprised to learn that most students do not have knowledge of the financial aspects when it comes to selecting higher educational institutions. A lack of readily available financial data and analytical tools is one of the primary reasons for this behavior.
Imagine buying a house without considering the cost, mortgage rate or attractiveness of the neighborhood. Or imagine a bank giving loans to borrowers without reviewing their credit score.
Hence, we developed a powerful, but easy to understand metric called K-Score that students and other decision makers can review to understand the financial attractiveness of pursuing an educational program at a particular educational institute.
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